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There are so many twisted and strange Greek myths that exist, but Antigone is probably one of the most freakish in my opinion. Antigone is the child of Oedipus and Jocasta, who is his mother. That makes Antigone the product of incest, and both the daughter and grandchild of Jocasta, and the daughter and sibling of Oedipus. The myth of Antigone is more focused on her efforts to bury her brother, Polynices. But personally all I can focus on is this twisted nature of her existence! The Greek gods were one hell of a people LOL.
The Greek Gods were intense. LOL. Here is more information about the play, which was written by Sophocles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antigone_(Sophocles_play)
I do not find her nature to be "twisted" at all -- as far as Sophocles' Antigone is concerned; I am not familiar with other ladies with the same name. // My etymological interest was aroused last evening by a clue given on [TV] Jeopardy: She was the product of an incestuous relationship and her name means "against birth". I figured the proper response, "Who was ANTIGONE?", since anti- can mean "against"; however, I doubted and still doubt the accuracy of the other term. Various lexicons do not give any satisfactory etymology. Anti- can also mean "counter; opposite to", but this does not lead anywhere. [Anti-gonos was the name of various Macedonian kings: ?? anti-offspring?? ] DOES anyody have any idea??
According to the [online] BAILLY grec-francaise Dictionnaire, one meaning of ANTI is IN FRONT OF as well as RESEMBLING... wherefore antitheos = resembling a god, but -- negatively -- contrary to [against] a god. // This linguistic inconsistency does not help us to decipher -gonE or -gonos; biographies may help.



Information about Chaos from Greek Mythology?

I’m currently delving into Greek mythology and have become particularly fascinated with the concept of Chaos. From what I understand, Chaos is often described as the primeval void or the initial state of the universe before the creation of the cosmos. However, I’m looking for more detailed information on this topic.

Could anyone provide insights or resources on the following?
  • What are the origins of Chaos in Greek mythology, and what role does it play in the creation myths?
  • Are there specific ancient texts or authors that provide the most comprehensive descriptions of Chaos?
  • How is Chaos symbolically represented in Greek mythology, and what does it signify in the broader context of ancient Greek culture and philosophy?
  • Resources that you can recommend so I can dive in...
Thanks so much!

Afterlife Beliefs in Greek Mythology?

What did Ancient Greeks believe about the afterlife? I've heard a few different stories... I'm particularly drawn to Ancient Greece's take on life after death.

Was there a uniform belief system, or did it vary significantly among different cities or periods? How did their beliefs influence their daily life and practices? I'm also curious about the role of mythological figures like Hades and the concept of Elysium.

If anyone has any expertise, recommended readings, or can point me to resources where I might be able to gather detailed insights into these spiritual aspects of Ancient Greek culture, I would greatly appreciate it.

Question about the Fates of Greek Mythology

I am helping someone gather information for a school project on Greek Mythology so your input is much appreciated. This is more like, to help the person know enough information to be able to research it.

The project is about the Fates. These mysterious beings, often depicted as three sisters—Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos—were believed to control the destiny of every mortal and god alike. Their thread-spinning, measuring, and cutting symbolized the weaving of each individual's life, from birth to death.

But what exactly was the extent of their power? How did they interact with other gods and mortals? These questions have sparked endless fascination and speculation among scholars and enthusiasts alike.

Were the Fates merely impartial observers, executing predetermined destinies without interference? Or did they possess agency, actively shaping the lives of those they governed? Furthermore, what implications did their existence hold for concepts of free will and determinism in ancient Greek thought?

List of fun Greek mythology topics

I really love Greek Mythology. I thought I would share with you all some of my favorite topics:

  1. Birth of the Olympians and how they came to power
  2. Different heroes of Greek mythology
  3. 12 Labors of Hercules
  4. Trojan War
  5. Iliad and the Odyssey and all the stories in them
  6. The story of Persephone
  7. Pandora's box
  8. Different creatures - like the Minotaur and Hydra
What are yours?

Understanding the Goddess Hera's Jealousy

I've been delving into Greek mythology recently, and one aspect that continually piques my interest is the jealousy of Hera, the queen of the gods. Hera's jealousy, particularly towards Zeus's numerous affairs and their resulting offspring, is a recurring theme in many myths.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and interpretations on this. Why do you think Hera's jealousy is so prominently featured in these stories? Is it meant to reflect certain human qualities or societal norms of the time? Or is there another symbolic reason behind it?

Additionally, how do you think Hera's jealousy shapes her interactions with other characters and the overall narrative of Greek myths? Does it add a layer of complexity to her character, or does it serve more as a plot device?
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