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I know that there are a lot of Greek traditions and some of it depends on where in Greece you or your family is from. I thought I would share mine, I want to hear yours!

** Singing Greek Christmas songs together and going out caroling
** Agios Vasselios - "Greek Santa Claus"
** Melamakarona (Can't wait! It's almost time to start making them!

What are yours?
Not exactly a local tradition, but in the past children in Greece used to sing carols, while holding a ship model. To be honest, I am not aware of the symbolism behind that...
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Not exactly a local tradition, but in the past children in Greece used to sing carols, while holding a ship model. To be honest, I am not aware of the symbolism behind that...

I have heard of this ship tradition and I am not sure about it either. I think it's called "Karakavi" and people decorate their boats with lights, and if they don't have a boat, they decorate models of boats. I am not clear on why - maybe it has something to do with the fishing traditions in Greece?

Also, my family actually has a tradition of making Baklava! But, I track down melamakarona from a local Greek bakery.
Not exactly a local tradition, but in the past children in Greece used to sing carols, while holding a ship model. To be honest, I am not aware of the symbolism behind that...
Intriguing - I am going to ask about it in another thread. I have heard about it but don't know much...

Thinking about the Greek way of hospitality...

I thought I would ask your thoughts oh Philoxenia - or the Greek way, or art, of hospitality. I noticed this when I travel in Greece. People are so kind, they often go out of the way for us, when I feel that they don't have to! How can one describe this to someone?

From what I understand, Philoxenia is not merely a practice but a deeply ingrained value within Greek culture that extends far beyond the simple act of hosting. It reflects a genuine, heartfelt welcome to strangers, treating them with the same respect and generosity one would show to a dearly beloved friend. This beautiful tradition, passed down through generations, turns the act of hosting into an art form, embodying warmth, respect, and a profound sense of human compassion. There have been so many stories I can think of...

This thought process was triggered because we were watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 - someone in the village had taken on a Syrian refugee. Is this a Greek hospitality thing? Philoxenia?

How to choose godparents?

I'm currently planning a baptism for a child in the Greek Orthodox Church and finding myself at a bit of a crossroads. One of the most significant decisions we're facing is choosing the right godparents. I understand that in our tradition, the role of a godparent is not only a great honor but also carries profound spiritual and moral responsibilities. They are to guide the child in the Orthodox faith, ensuring they grow in the church and its teachings.

How do you choose? I have a few candidates and am trying to narrow it down.

Summer Festivals in Greece?

With the warm weather approaching, I've been eager to explore more light and refreshing dishes. I'm particularly interested in Greek cuisine, which I know has a lot of great options perfect for sunny days.

Could anyone share their favorite Greek dishes to enjoy when the weather is warm? I'm looking for suggestions that are both delicious and easy to prepare. Any recipes or tips on where to find authentic ingredients would be greatly appreciated too!

Greek Easter Holy Week Liturgies!

Learning about hospitality in Greece

I was trying to explain to some non-Greek friends about hospitality in Greece. I feel like it's next level, but how do you explain it?

Could anyone help me explain any of the following:
  • Traditional welcome gestures in Greece
  • Common household customs when visiting a Greek home
  • Etiquette for showing appreciation to Greek hosts
  • Any specific do's and don'ts that a foreigner should be aware of
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